3.3.5 Notice
1. Calling parametric id must be the same as form item name.
Such as in the following code, the blue part must be identical and case sensitive.
<input type="hidden" name="content1" value=""> <iframe ID="eWebEditor1" src="/ewebeditor.htm?id=content1&style=coolblue" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="350"></iframe> |
2. eWebEditor allows putting several examples in the same form. So please make sure the id is one and only in the whole webpage.
Such as:
<form> <input type="hidden" name="content1" value=""> <iframe ID="eWebEditor1" src="/ewebeditor.htm?id=content1&style=coolblue" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="350"></iframe>
<input type="hidden" name="content2" value=""> <iframe ID="eWebEditor2" src="/ewebeditor.htm?id=content2&style=coolblue" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="350"></iframe> </form> |
3. When using <textarea> as the original form item, please add style="display:none".
<textarea name="content1" style="display:none"></textarea> <iframe ID="eWebEditor1" src="/ewebeditor.htm?id=content1&style=coolblue" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="350"></iframe> |
4. When using <input> as a way to modify forms, you must use double quotation marks instead of single quotation marks. Furthermore, you must add HTML Encode function, otherwise the contents may be intercepted.
Such as:
(ASP code)
<input type=hidden name="content1" value="<%=Server.HTMLEncode(str)%>"> |
<textarea name="content1" style="display:none"><%=Server.HTMLEncode(str)%></textarea> |
(PHP code)
<input type=hidden name="content1" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($str)?>"> |
<textarea name="content1" style="display:none"><%=htmlspecialchars($str)%></textarea> |
(JSP Code)
You can find htmlEncode function in _example/standard.jsp
<input type=hidden name="content1" value="<%=htmlEncode(str)%>"> |
<textarea name="content1" style="display:none"><%=htmlEncode(str)%></textarea> |
(ASP.NET Code)
ASP.NET CodeBehind :
eWebEditorControl1.value = str |