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Client Requirements

Because eWebEditor applies client JAVASCRIPT, if your browser does not support JAVASCRIPT or you have closed that function, the editor cannot run normally. Besides, eWebEditor needs the browser editon of the client to be IE5.5 or above, otherwise eWebEditor's HTML visualized editing function would be invalid, you can only edit in plain text.

  • Operating System: Windows 95, 98, ME, XP, NT, 2000 or 2003
  • Web Browser: Internet Explorer v5.5 or above (If the client is not using Internet Explorer v5.5 or above, then eWebEditor's HTML visualized editing function would be invalid, you can only edit in plain text.)
  • JavaScript must be enabled.

Server Requirements

Based on multi-language WEB development, eWebEditor is an online net editing system module. As long as your server can meet the language requirement you choose, the server can run eWebEditor successfully. Except for that, there is no other special requirement.

  • eWebEditor ASP edition
    Meet ASP running environment, no special requirements.
    Recommend: Windows 2003+IIS6.0+IE6.0(win2003 defaulted setup)

  • eWebEditor PHP edition
    Meet PHP running environment, no special requirements.
    PHP 4.4+
    It can be run in Windows system or non-Windows system.

  • eWebEditor JSP edition
    Meet JSP running environment, no special requirements.
    JDK 1.4+
    It can be run in Windows system or non-Windows system.

  • eWebEditor ASP.NET edtion
    Meet ASP.NET running environment, no special requirements.
    .NET Framework V1.1+
    Recommend: Windows 2003+IIS6.0+IE6.0 (defaulted win2003 setup)

Getting Started
Release Notes
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