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One-key Typesetting, and Removal of the Noise word

Using the one-key typesetting function, you can typeset the disordered article into a unified standard format. It includes a powerful function of removing the noise word. Just as you usually copy some articles from the internet, you may find that a lot of words in the website seemingly look normal; however, when you copy them from the website, you may find that there are many disordered words and script ads hid in them, playing a role of confusing and anti-copy. Using the function of removing the noise words in eWebEditor, you can easily remove these impurities. eWebEditor with powerful copy source website analysis can automatically detect and analyze what are noise words and what are normal words. You needn't make any setting since basically all the noise words can be intelligently removed. Strongly recommend to use.

Operation Tips:

  • The original value in the following editor area is quite messy: some words are big while some are small; the paragraph has both left aligned and right aligned; the text color and background are different; and there is a lot useless spacing. Besides, whether have you seen the hidden words? There are three paragraphs of "Hidden Words". Have you seen them? You can select all (Ctrl+A) in the editor area and copy (Ctrl+A) and paste them (Ctrl+V) in Notepad. The hidden words will be revealed.
  • Click the "one-key typesetting" button in the toolbar. In the popup window, click "Yes" directly to check the effect. All formats are unified and the noise words are gone.
  • You can repeatedly refresh this webpage, enabling the disordered word to appear once again in the editor area. Then, set the detail you want and see the effect.
  • You may go to any website with the noise words and copy the content to the editor area. Then, click "one-key typesetting" to see whether the noise words are being removed. If they are not being removed, you can select "auto + source analysis" in the options of removing the noise words, the option will automatically help analyze the copy source website. It has more intelligent function of removing the noise words. Even the source website employs ccs file to define the interference, it can also be removed.

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