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eWebEditor V11.2 Demos
Getting Started
Software Provided Style
Software Provided Examples
Backend Administration
Basic Examples
Create/Destroy/Replace for Ajax
Pop-up Windows' Call
Multiple Editors in one page
Localization / Multi-language
Image Hot Link
Paragraph Attribute
Powerful control on font style
Insert Template
Advanced Topics
Import/Paste from Word
Import/Paste from Excel
Import from PowerPoint/PPT
Import from PDF
Batch Huge File Upload
Screen Capture and Upload
One-key Typesetting
Paste Special/Paste Picture
Flash Self-Checking/FLV
Fix width of editing area
Hide editor on load
Get Remote Files Automatically
Relative/Absolute URLs
Thumbnail Image
Image/Text Watermark
Mixing typeset of Image and text
Unlimited optimized undo and redo
Local file auto upload
Image/Flash/Media/File Gallery
Paging Management
Autogrow depending on content
Advanced Security Session API
Uploading File Dialog API
Read-only State
Client API
Getting Uploaded Files
Citing External Style Sheets
Actual Application
News Management System
Insert Template

A Content Template is a eWebEditor feature that lets you control the structure of the document and preserve consistency across multiple documents. Templates are pre-defined, ready-made document forms with page layout, text formatting and styling as well as other elements.

To use one of eWebEditor templates, press the Insert Template button on the toolbar. The following Content Templates dialog window will be displayed on the screen.

The dialog window shows a list of pre-defined templates that are available in your system. The standard installation of eWebEditor contains six basic templates, however, this list may be expanded as needed. Since creating and adding new templates is an advanced feature, please contact your system administrator if you need a special template for your purposes.

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